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    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board


    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board of the Cantonal Court in Livno, number 010-0-Su-24-000184 of 18th June 2024.

    By virtue of the entry into force of above-mentioned Rules of Procedure, the following shall cease to have effect:
    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board of the Cantonal Court in Livno, number 010-0-Su-10-000338 of 29th December 2010.

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    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board


    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board of the Cantonal Court in Livno, number 010-0-Su-24-000184 of 18th June 2024.

    By virtue of the entry into force of above-mentioned Rules of Procedure, the following shall cease to have effect:
    Rules of Procedure of the web editorial board of the Cantonal Court in Livno, number 010-0-Su-10-000338 of 29th December 2010.